Patchnotes 2.1
A brand new update is live on Android and iOS!
Raid on Boss event
Join the fiercest fight against one of the most evil and powerful enemies in the darkest world - the Demon of Sins. This time he will bring his henchmen. To weaken the Demon of Sins, you will have to deal with his entourage. Deal as much damage as you can together with other players and defeat the wicked spirit along with his minions to receive generous rewards.
The event will be launched soon after the update.
Gift of Heavens bonus event
During the Gift of Heavens event players will get 999 free hero summons. In this activity you will travel through portals that open at a certain time. In each of them you can make several summons and choose one that you desire the most.
Arena of Doom improvement
The Arena of Doom mechanics were improved. Now players compete in earning Glory Points, which are reset to zero every week. At the end of season, depending on the number of points earned, players receive rewards by mail. You can monitor players’ results in the activity rating.
Now you can view the Utopia of Dragons and Mini Games ratings.
Utopia of Dragons weapons
Arm your heroes with a special arsenal for fighting the mighty Dragons and dealing more damage to get additional rewards.
Hero appearance
Meet Kuldjar and his new epic appearance — Stricken with Curse. The appearance is available only in the Raid on Boss event rewards.
Master Universal Soul in Labyrinth Shop
Master Universal Soul was added to the Labyrinth Shop at the Market. The soul becomes available there upon reaching chapter 21. Demonic Dimension Portal.