Patchnotes 2.0.9
A brand new update is live on Android and iOS!
New hero
Meet Toshi: Pride and Prowess. The beastman is a master of fire dealing great flame damage and burning off enemy’s energy. He is the fourth Temple of Four Elements guardian who is looking for his friends lost in the Warlock’s space wormhole.
Hero Trial
Now you can try a new hero in a mini-adventure, as well as summon the newly arrived warrior at a special recruitment point. You can find the activity in the Bonus tab on the main campaign screen.
Bonus Quests
A new window with a wide variety of tasks aimed at obtaining resources was added to the game. Please note that the Never-Ending Journey Rewards and Aid for a Novice Adventurer have been moved to this window.
Bonuses for Spending and Summoning
Spend gems and magic seeds to get additional resources. Also, you can receive extra supplies for summoning in the World Split, Recruitment Point and Pet House. Find the feature in the Bonus tab.
Adventurer’s Quests
Additional quests are now available for new players. You can find them in the Bonus tab.
Wish list
Increase your chance of getting a specific hero using a new feature — the Wish List at the Recruitment Point. The feature is available upon reaching stage 12.1.
Secret rewards
More gems were hidden in the game.
Speed up fix
The issue causing main campaign battles to speed up after using the feature in the Symphony of Nature mini game was fixed.
Alarm clock fix
The problem causing application notification to set alarm clocks was fixed.
PvP power fix
The issue causing incorrect squad power display in the PvP rating was fixed.